The 2nd International Conference on Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (ABB 2019)
July 21st-24th, 2019, Macau, China
Invited Speaker---Prof. Anita J. Marsaioli

Prof. Anita J. Marsaioli, Chemistry Institute, University of Campinas, S. Paulo, Brazil

Biograph: Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná (1969) and Master of Science (1974) and PhD from University of Campinas (1978). Post doc at the ICSN at Gif sur Yvette in France 1978, visiting Professor in Germany at the University of Hamburg. Present professor at the Chemistry Institute from University of Campinas and I A researcher from CNPq. Was Director of the Pluridisciplinary Center CPQBA/UNICAMP for 3 years. At the moment is consultor of CNPq, FAPESP, FINEP, CONICYT etc.

She directed 72 masters and doctors and supervised 12 postdoctoral fellows. She has given dozens of conferences as a guest abroad and in Brazil. Published more than 166 articles and has IH 28. She was vice-director and director of CPQBA-UNICAMP. Participated in several committees within IQ / UNICAMP. Coordinated large projects that were beneficial to the Chemistry Institute and coordinated the first biotechnological laboratory of the chemistry Institute /UNICAMP.

Speech Title: The stories that fluorescent signals from whole cells can reveal
Abstract: New fluorescent compounds are important chemo-enzymatic tools to reveal enzymatic activities in vitro and in vivo environments. These applications can reveal organelles, membranes, nucleus and enzymatic activities with fluorogenic probes, signaling the presence of specific enzymes. In this context, several fluorogenic compounds were synthesized, with novel photo physical characterizations and specific biological applications are discussed. As the simultaneous detection of hydrolases in microorganisms, with probes that present different fluorophores (resorufin and umbelliferone) and functional groups (epoxide and ester) that, after enzymatic action, culminate in the same chemical cascade of fluorophore release. This methodology is called multiplex screening, revealed the enantiomeric excesses (ee) and conversions of enzymatic reactions, using enantiomerically enriched umbelliferone derivatives probes with a methodology implemented by our research group, named Quick-ee. Also in the biological context, an enzymatic cascade present in breast and prostate human tumor cells, involving PSTP (serine / threonine phosphatases) and ADH (alcohol dehydrogenases),will be discussed. Finally, a novel fluorescent substance with a potential photodynamic therapy in prostate cancer cell will be discussed.

Address: No. 1, Optical Valley Avenue, East Lake High-Tech Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Conference Secretary: Ms. Lydia Shi   Email:   Tel: +86 17362961533
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