The 2nd International Conference on Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (ABB 2019)
July 21st-24th, 2019, Macau, China
Invited Speakers
Prof. Carla Severini
Department of Science of Agriculture, Food and Environment (SAFE), University of Foggia, Italy

Biograph: Carla Severini is associate professor in Food Science and Technology at the Department of Science of Agriculture, Food and Environment (SAFE) of University of Foggia (Italy) and PhD in Food Biotechnology (University of Florence). She has achieved the National Scientific Enabling for full professor.
She is specialized in Food Chemistry and Technology (University of Bologna).
Since 1991 she has been teacher in Food Science and Technology at Universities of Udine, Florence, Bologna and Foggia. She was President of the graduation degree in Food Science and Technology of University of Foggia.
Carla Severini has been tutor of 85 second level thesis and 9 PhD students.
Carla Severini is author of over than 200 scientific papers on Food Science and Technology published in scientific journals or presented at international congresses.
From the last 5 years Carla Severini has been PI of 8 research projects.
She is owner of 5 Italian patents.

Speech Title: Emerging technologies for food: 3D printing and customized nutrition
Abstract: 3D printing is the most recent emerging technology in food sector. This technic is already leading to a revolution in many other sectors such as rapid prototyping, regenerative medicine and quick manufacturing of mechanical spare parts, so much so that a 3D Printer has been brought from NASA to the Space with this aim. Indeed, the 3D Printing potentially allows infinite degrees of freedom to build infinite shapes and internal structures. More...
Keywords: Functional processed food, Food Processing, Coffee technology and quality, Emerging Technologies, Food Formulation.

Prof. Octavio L. Franco
Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brazil

Biograph: Graduate at Ciências Biológicas from Universidade Federal do Ceará (1998) and PHd at Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Universidade de Brasília (2001). Actually is head professor from Universidade Catolica Dom Bosco and Universidade Catolica de Brasilia, and researcher from CNPq. At the moment is consultor of CNPq, FAPEMIG, FINEP, FAPDF, FUNDCET, FAPEMA, FUNDECT, FUNCAP, CPP, FONCYT, CONICYT, FAPESB, FACEPE, Kazakistan government, BARD United States - Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, Austrian Science Fundation, Gates Foundation e National Science Foundation (NSF) US .Member of Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular (SBBq), More...
Speech Title: In silico optimization of antimicrobial peptide enables combinatorial exploration for peptide design
Abstract: Several organisms including plants and sea animals are extensively used in traditional medicine and are excellent sources of natural products. Several antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from naural sources have been described and proposed as alternatives to conventional antibiotics. More...

Prof. Chaobin Shen
Laboratory of Phytomedicine and Disease of Biomolecular, Department of Pediatrics, Shanghai TCM -Integrated Hospital, Shanghai, China

Biograph: CHAO-BIN SHEN is professor in pediatrics of Shanghai TCM-Integrated Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (China). He is graduate at pediatrics from Shanghai Second Medical College (at present is Medical College of Shanghai Jiao-Tong University) (1984). More...
Speech Title: The inhibited the expression of GATA-3 on Th2 cells transfected Astragalus-derived miR-396 of asthmatic mice In vivo
Abstract: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small noncoding RNA that, through mediating posttranscriptional gene regulation, play a critical role in nearly all biological processes. Over the last decade it has become apparent that plant miRNAs may serve as a novel functional component of traditional herbs with therapeutic effects anti-inflammation and antitumor. More...

Prof. Anita J. Marsaioli
Chemistry Institute, University of Campinas, S. Paulo, Brazil

Biograph: Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná (1969) and Master of Science (1974) and PhD from University of Campinas (1978). Post doc at the ICSN at Gif sur Yvette in France 1978, visiting Professor in Germany at the University of Hamburg. Present professor at the Chemistry Institute from University of Campinas and I A researcher from CNPq. More...
Speech Title: The stories that fluorescent signals from whole cells can reveal
Abstract: New fluorescent compounds are important chemo-enzymatic tools to reveal enzymatic activities in vitro and in vivo environments. These applications can reveal organelles, membranes, nucleus and enzymatic activities with fluorogenic probes, signaling the presence of specific enzymes. More...

Prof. Kazuaki Wagatsuma
Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Biograph: Kazuaki Wagatsuma is a Professor in Institute for Materials Research (IMR) at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. His research interests include plasma emission spectroscopy in general, especially such as glow discharge plasma and laser-induced plasma, and the development and application of new plasma techniques for metallic materials. More...
Speech Title: Surface treatment of biomaterial Co-Cr-Mo alloy by using a hollow-cathode glow discharge plasma with oxygen mixed gas
Abstract: In order to improve the corrosion resistance of a biomaterial Co-Cr-Mo alloy (CCM alloy), we investigated a surface treatment to form an oxide film on it using argon-oxygen or neon-oxygen mixed gas glow discharge plasmas under emission spectroscopic analysis of the plasma, and then the formed oxide film was evaluated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. More...

Dr. Hon-Cheong So
School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hongkong, China

Biograph: Dr. Hon-Cheong So is a physician-scientist and his main research focus is on the development and application of novel statistical and computational methods in the analysis of "omics" and clinical data, with an overarching goal of translating omics data into clinical practice. More...
Speech Title: Translating genomics data into clinical practice: computational approaches to drug repurposing
Abstract: The time and cost for novel drug discovery is ever-increasing. Drug repurposing, i.e. using existing drugs for new therapeutic indications, represents a cost-effective approach to speed up drug development. With increased availability of large-scale “omics” data such as those from genome-wide association studies, computational methods might play a more important role in drug discovery or repurposing. More...

Prof. Dongfeng Wang
College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China

Biograph: PhD at Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China (1999), MA. SC at Department of Tea Science, Zhejiang University (1988) and B.S. at Department of Tea Science, Anhui Agricultural University (1982). Being a visiting professor at Guelph Food Research Center, Federal Department of Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (2010), School of Fisheries Sciences of Hokkaido University (2010) and Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology of University of Tokyo (2000) respectively. More...
Speech Title: Studies on the chemical and functional of tea polysaccharides
Abstract: Diabetes, a chronic disease, endangers human health and is proving difficult to cure. Curing diabetes with coarse tea is a popular folk prescription in both China and Japan. Why does coarse tea have this function? We have found that this is related to the coarse rich in tea polysaccharides. More...

Prof. Yuanda Song
Director, Colin Ratledge Center for Microbial Lipids; Director, SDUT-UM International Joint Laboratory on Microbial Cell Factories for Bioactive Natural Products, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, Shandong, China

Biograph: Dr. Y Song is a professor of biochemistry at Shandong University of Technology. He got his BS degree in chemistry from Suzhou University in 1987, and ME degree in chemical engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology and BGRIMN in 1990. From 1997-2001 He did his PhD study in microbial lipid biochemistry with Prof. Colin Ratledge at the University of Hull in England. More...
Speech Title: The molecular mechnism of high oleaginicity in oleaginous fungus Mucor circinelloides WJ11
Abstract: The oleaginous fungus, Mucor circinelloides, is one of few fungi that produce high amounts of γ-linolenic acid (GLA); however, it usually only produces <25% lipid. Nevertheless, a new strain (WJ11) isolated in this laboratory can produce lipid up to <36% of (w/w) cell dry weight (CDW). We have investigated the potential mechanism of high lipid accumulation in WJ11 by genomic, proteomic, comparative biochemical analysis and 13C labeled metabolic flux analysis with a low lipid accumulating strain CBS 277.49, which accumulates less than 15% (w/w) lipid. More...

Address: No. 1, Optical Valley Avenue, East Lake High-Tech Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Conference Secretary: Ms. Lydia Shi   Email:   Tel: +86 17362961533
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